These are the first projects I started working or cooperating with. Thanks to them I was able to start my impact on the social aspects of sports.
Inter7s and social soccer
Inter7s is an Irish company that is organizing 7v7 leagues and tournaments in Dublin. They are very active in social aspects both nationally and internationally. I am currently working with them and one year ago I had the opportunity to organise a match in prison to make the inmates feel free for at least 90 minutes.
Red Deporte y Cooperación
Red Deporte y Cooperación is a Spanish Ngo. They are helping children in Zambia and in other poor countries by blending the values of sport, education, empowerment and gender equality. I was part of the marketing campaign for "Deja tu Huella". It was stopped by the Covid-19, we hope to be on track soon.
B-Corp in sport
Social businesses are the best way to solve social problems and find a way to be sustainable. The B-Corp business model is a certified variation that balances purpose and profit. They are using the slogan "Business as a force of good". I did my Mba thesis based on the implementation of the B-Corp model in a sports club (it would be the first time) and this is my article "The B Corp as a business model: Business Plan for evolving and improving the business model of the Aquila Basket Club".
SandSi is a Ngo focused on sport and sustainability. They want to reduce carbon emissions, spread the concept of zero waste and reduce physical inactivity in society. In 2021, I was part of the marketing campaign that was developed to increase brand awareness across various social media.