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These are the first projects I started working or cooperating with. Thanks to them I was able to start my impact on the social aspects of sports. 

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Inter7s and social soccer

Inter7s is an Irish company that is organizing 7v7 leagues and tournaments in Dublin. They are very active in social aspects both nationally and internationally. I am currently working with them and one year ago I had the opportunity to organise a match in prison to make the inmates feel free for at least 90 minutes.

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Red Deporte y Cooperación

Red Deporte y Cooperación is a Spanish Ngo. They are helping children in Zambia and in other poor countries by blending the values of sport, education, empowerment and gender equality. I was part of the marketing campaign for "Deja tu Huella". It was stopped by the Covid-19, we hope to be on track soon. 

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B-Corp in sport

Social businesses are the best way to solve social problems and find a way to be sustainable. The B-Corp business model is a certified variation that balances purpose and profit. They are using the slogan "Business as a force of good". I did my Mba thesis based on the implementation of the B-Corp model in a sports club (it would be the first time) and this is my article "The B Corp as a business model: Business Plan for evolving and improving the business model of the Aquila Basket Club".

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SandSi is a Ngo focused on sport and sustainability. They want to reduce carbon emissions, spread the concept of zero waste and reduce physical inactivity in society. In 2021, I was part of the marketing campaign that was developed to increase brand awareness across various social media. 

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